mistletoe’s dream

she was a daughter of pan and had been wandering in a landscape of trees
and flowers. the air was sweetened with amaranth. there were acorns on
the grass. a chain of ochre mountains ranged all around her, bare and
stark and oddly beautiful. she knew that the mountains were the forms of
sleeping gods, the ancient forgotten gods.

it was a brilliant day. the sun was benevolent in its universal golden
splendour. there were a few lovely clouds, and within one of the clouds
was the exact form of an angel in flight. she was in the homeland of
human happiness. she was happy, and had been eternally happy, like a
fortunate child. she had known no suffering and had always been
surrounded with love.

but as she wandered in this realm of happiness she came upon three men
who stood puzzled before a gigantic tomb. the men were shepherds. she
had never seen them before. they were grizzled, but seemed harmless. on
the enormous tomb there was an inscription.

she was one of the daughters of pan, and yet the inscription troubled
her. the men fretted over the inscription and kept pointing at it, while
their shadows took on sinister shapes. she noticed that the man who
pointed most ardently at the word arcadia had formed the shadow of a man
with a scythe. this troubled her more.

they asked her about the tomb. but she had never seen a tomb before.
they explained what it was. she turned pale. they contemplated the
inscription and the mystery of the tomb till the shadows grew shorter
and stranger ond the wind-quivering grass. the world had darkened into
tones of a deep bright sombre beauty. sadness seemed to be leaking into
the happy kingdom of the earth.

and when she left the men, who remained discussing the inscription for
what seemed the rest of their lives, she was never quite so happy again.
and her life now seemed as a bright golden dream of ambiguities when she
woke up in the dark.

ben okri – in arcadia


and then there was mistletoe, silent, submerged, and waiting. a life
begun in happiness, a childhood rich in variety and freedom, much early
travel, much of the world seen and loved. then a life that took a wrong
turning, and the right road regained later than she would have wished.

blessed with an ease of spirit that falls so easily into a love of
rebellion. she was one of the intelligent ones who have to be lazy in
order to be awoken by failure. the early recklessness. the ambiguous
blessings of beauty, feline grace, and deep-scented sensuality. the
early reliance on easy talent. then being too favoured and lucky. then
unfavoured and unlucky. then misused by men. then disillusioned and
disenchanted. talents not developed early, lost on the way, wandering,
beautiful, optimistic still, and lost.

wreckages of past dreams about her. then despair and loss of faith in
life. then drink and drugs and hopelessness and believing in everything,
believing in nothing. emptiness. lovelessness. and then touched by good
fortune which never really deserted her. finding new friends. finding a
friend in lao. then the slow journey back, through art, to sanity.

meanwhile, what a ring of connections. disowned by parents, cut off from
homeland, almost friendless, heart dry but for the pulses of new
friendships and the quickening of art. her sensuality fabulous, her body
suspicious of love. her eyes suspicious, in spite of a capacity for
abundant warmth and great love. a heart frozen, a mind awake. waiting
for life’s thaw, clinging on to friendship, silent, submerged, like a
submarine, an iceberg, magisterial…

ben okri – in arcadia


if music was born out of grief, painting was born out of transience within an immortal universe. painting is the charmed presence of what will no longer be there. an enchanted absence, a visible dream, a parallel universe, defying death, underlining life’s brevity. it is a vision of life from hades enchanted. it is the secret history of light, the psychodrama of colour, the moment in a mind, the moment in a song. painting is life, life smiling at death with light as its secret. painting is narcissus surprised.

painting is an inscription on the flesh of time. painting is the triumph of plants and minerals and animal hair. it is soul dancing to soul. painting is the still life of god’s mind. painting is the only mortal space where angels dwell in stillness. it is meditation with eyes wide open, contemplation with the mind’s eyes focused on enigmas. it is visualisation materialised. the mind’s strength and grace trembling in space. the unending lesson of the ascending spirit. painting is the tentative deciphering of destiny, the visual haiku of human history, musings of life in deep dimensions.

painting is human love transcending human forgetfulness. it is mortality staring at itself in the evanescent mirror of immortality. it is spaces dancing, dimensions interacting, realms interpenetrating, time zones colliding, eliding, harmonising. painting is the shaman’s mirror, the warrior’s truest shield, the healer’s armour against fate and tragedy. the celebration of light.

painting is one of the earliest tools of survival. you painted a thing first then you made it manifest later. there is painting of the mind, where you first create the complete form of a thing or dream or desire and feed it deep into the spirit’s factory for the production of reality. painting is the mirror of healing, the base of creativity, the spring-board of materialisation. painting is the mathematics of making things possible. it is planting notions in the subconscious through the allure or disturbance of the eyes.

great paintings transcend the eyes and, through other agencies, can be transmitted from soul to soul. all dreamers are spirit painters. all dreams are paintings. all spirit painters are world remakers. painting is the refresher of love, the aider of love, the incarnation of loving. painting is time multiplied by light. painting is where the dead sleep, where the labyrinth is decoded. it is the secret film of the gods, the ecstasy of dyes, the paradigm of better ways of being.

painting is the illuminated record book of invisible realms seen in glimpses. intimations of reincarnation. akashic still-points. painting is indeed one of the places where hades is averted. it is the hint of a sort of immortality within. it comes from the same place inside us where gods are born.

painting is one of the most mysterious metaphors of arcadia.

ben okri – in arcadia (2002)


if music was born out of grief, painting was born out of transience within an immortal universe. painting is the charmed presence of what will no longer be there. an enchanted absence, a visible dream, a parallel universe, defying death, underlining life’s brevity. it is a vision of life from hades enchanted. it is the secret history of light, the psychodrama of colour, the moment in a mind, the moment in a song. painting is life, life smiling at death with light as its secret. painting is narcissus surprised.

painting is an inscription on the flesh of time. painting is the triumph of plants and minerals and animal hair. it is soul dancing to soul. painting is the still life of god’s mind. painting is the only mortal space where angels dwell in stillness. it is meditation with eyes wide open, contemplation with the mind’s eyes focused on enigmas. it is visualisation materialised. the mind’s strength and grace trembling in space. the unending lesson of the ascending spirit. painting is the tentative deciphering of destiny, the visual haiku of human history, musings of life in deep dimensions.

painting is human love transcending human forgetfulness. it is mortality staring at itself in the evanescent mirror of immortality. it is spaces dancing, dimensions interacting, realms interpenetrating, time zones colliding, eliding, harmonising. painting is the shaman’s mirror, the warrior’s truest shield, the healer’s armour against fate and tragedy. the celebration of light.

painting is one of the earliest tools of survival. you painted a thing first then you made it manifest later. there is painting of the mind, where you first create the complete form of a thing or dream or desire and feed it deep into the spirit’s factory for the production of reality. painting is the mirror of healing, the base of creativity, the spring-board of materialisation. painting is the mathematics of making things possible. it is planting notions in the subconscious through the allure or disturbance of the eyes.

great paintings transcend the eyes and, through other agencies, can be transmitted from soul to soul. all dreamers are spirit painters. all dreams are paintings. all spirit painters are world remakers. painting is the refresher of love, the aider of love, the incarnation of loving. painting is time multiplied by light. painting is where the dead sleep, where the labyrinth is decoded. it is the secret film of the gods, the ecstasy of dyes, the paradigm of better ways of being.

painting is the illuminated record book of invisible realms seen in glimpses. intimations of reincarnation. akashic still-points. painting is indeed one of the places where hades is averted. it is the hint of a sort of immortality within. it comes from the same place inside us where gods are born.

painting is one of the most mysterious metaphors of arcadia.

ben okri – in arcadia (2002)

nobody here

ik denk altijd dat-i toch al webwereldberoemd is, jogchem niemandsverdriet. en ik dacht een paar jaar gelee ook dat ik ‘m al helemaal uit had. maar natuurlijk staan er nieuwe dingen, en natuurlijk zal niet iedereen hem kennen. vandaar dat ik hem maar tussen mijn links heb gezet: nobody here.

klik waar je klikken kunt, neem eens een kijkje in zijn hart, knip zijn neusharen, beluister zijn antwoordapparaat, fantaseer een jongetje, sta een tijdje stil of leef gewoon wat met hem mee.

nobody here

ik denk altijd dat-i toch al webwereldberoemd is, jogchem niemandsverdriet. en ik dacht een paar jaar gelee ook dat ik ‘m al helemaal uit had. maar natuurlijk staan er nieuwe dingen, en natuurlijk zal niet iedereen hem kennen. vandaar dat ik hem maar tussen mijn links heb gezet: nobody here.

klik waar je klikken kunt, neem eens een kijkje in zijn hart, knip zijn neusharen, beluister zijn antwoordapparaat, fantaseer een jongetje, sta een tijdje stil of leef gewoon wat met hem mee.

hoera! categorieen

ik zie dat ik plots ook een categorie mee kan geven aan een log. dat is fijn & handig, ook voor jou.

ik heb nog niet ‘t hele archief van categorie voorzien maar dat duurt niet lang meer. linksboven zie je de verschillende categorieen. klik je bijvoorbeeld op muziek dan zie je alleen de logs die volgens mij met muziek te maken hebben en hoef je al dat andere geneuzel niet te lezen als je niet wilt. ook handig om iets terug te zoeken.

nu mis ik alleen nog de mogelijkheid om aan 1 log meerdere categorieen toe te kennen. want ‘t leven laat zich best in hokjes stoppen maar zo 1-dimensionaal is het nu ook weer niet. en als ik dat zelf probeer te ondervangen door bijvoorbeeld 37 categorieen aan te maken, dan is het geen handig systeem meer. ik ga maar eens een verzoekje mailen.

en oh, elke categorie moet natuurlijk een eigen rss-feed hebben, mocht iemand echt alleen in enkele onderwerpen geinteresseerd zijn.

iets te vroeg

maar m’n blog heeft inmiddels 23 uur en 22 minuten op giro 555 gestaan en dat moet maar even genoeg zijn. nog even tijd voor iets anders vandaag, helaas even actueel. en nog 1x in de vorm van e.e. cummings. een kortere, makkelijkere en ook veel bekendere cummings.

“next to of course god america i
love you land of the pilgrims’ and so forth oh
say can you see by the dawn’s early my
country ’tis of centuries come and go
and are no more what of it we should worry
in every language even deafanddumb
thy sons acclaim thy glorious name by gorry
by jingo by gee by gosh by gum
why talk of beauty what could be more beaut-
iful than these heroic happy dead
who rushed like lions to the roaring slaughter
they did not stop to think they died instead
then shall the voice of liberty be mute?”

he spoke. and drank rapidly a glass of water

e.e. cummings